Կայացավ Յունիբանկի բաժնետերերի տարեկան ընդհանուր ժողովը
Unibank Shareholders’ Annual General Meeting Was Held
The meeting made the following decisions:
- Approve the annual report of the Executive Board on the activities of "Unibank" OJSC in 2022.
- Approve the financial reports of "Unibank" OJSC of 2022.
- Approve the Internal audit report of "Unibank" OJSC of 2022.
- Approve the number of the Board members of "Unibank" OJSC consisting of seven persons.
- Re-elect Board members Gagik Zakaryan, George Piskov, Eduard Zamanyan, Hrahat Arzumanyan, Vardan Atayan, Philippe Rene Marc Delmotte, and include Rouben Indjikian in the Board.
- Approve the Board staff as follows: Gagik Zakaryan, George Piskov, Eduard Zamanyan, Hrahat Arzumanyan, Vardan Atayan, Philippe Rene Marc Delmotte, Rouben Indjikian.
- Based on the financial results of “Unibank” OJSC in 2022, not to pay annual dividends on common shares, forward the Bank's net profit to the amount of AMD 4 397 025 000 according to IFRS, to the Bank’s further development, and allocate 5% to the main reserve fund.
- Keep unchanged the internal legal regulations “Procedure of preparing and conducting Unibank OJSC’s shareholders’ general meeting” and “Regulation on Unibank OJSC’s Board”.
- Approve the changes to the charter of "Unibank" OJSC and submit for registration to the Central Bank of RA.
Unibank is controlled by the Central Bank of Armenia.
Call center: + 374 10 59 55 55
Related Information:
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