UBPay համակարգն ընդլայնել է դրամական փոխանցումների աշխարհագրությունը

UBPay system has expanded the geography of money transfers

UBPay համակարգն ընդլայնել է դրամական փոխանցումների աշխարհագրությունը

UBPay money transfers at Unibank are now available from Russia, Cyprus, Greece, Israel, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. Customers in Armenia can pick up cash at Unibank branches or receive them directly to the card and bank account. Money transfers are provided in AMD, USD, EUR or RUB.

UBPay transfers are also available in the UNIMobile app. In the “International Transfers - UBPay” section of the app, you need to select the “Send Transfer” or “Receive Transfer” option. To make a transfer, it is sufficient to indicate the recipient's name, currency and amount of money.

To receive money with the mobile app, you need to enter the transfer code, amount and currency, and specify the preferred card or account.

Unibank is regulated by the Central Bank of Armenia.
Call center:  (+37410) 71 22 22, (+37410) 59 55 55

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